PALESTINE UNVEILED 199 was just the point in which the Old Colonists, or some of them, showed their understanding and sympathy with the Arabs amongst whom they had been reared, One of the most noted Old Colonists, at his own charges, arranges for Arabs from the villages near his farm to make the pilgrimage to Mecca, the Haj which all Moslems aspire to make at least once in their lifetimes. Can you imagine any more genuine attempt to show friendship for the Arab? Or one more likely to win their gratitude and esteem? What is more, so said my farmer friend, these benefactions are made in so comradely and tactful a manner that he did not offend the haughty susceptibilities of the proud peasants, for, no matter how poor he is, there is no haughtier person on earth than the Moslem Arab. I was told, and I later found to be accurate one of the most amazing stories that I have ever heard—a tale that should be known by each and every person in our own country. It is as great an epic of heroism and self-sacrifice as any in the Bible, or in the history of any land under God's sun. I will try to give its outline. It happened during the War; and please do not shy away at the mention of a War story; for these youngsters were never given the reward for which they faced torture, hardships and death in the most cheerful manner in the world. The Old Colonists, or a group of them, realized that the only hope of their ever being able to bring to pass their ideal of restoring Israel to her Homeland, was to do all that they could to ensure the victory of the Allies. Do not go running away with the notion that